This weekend was my niece's 11th birthday. No matter what, we as a family, always put something together. It can be something small as cutting a cake and playing Just Dance 4 on the Wii or something big like going out to an amusement park or having a large party. I have three nieces and two of them have birthdays two weeks apart so at this point, we do small scale.
The most important thing to us is that we celebrate their day. And the girls are happy to just see decorations, cake and the gifts. They see the gifts and they don't even care who else is there. My youngest niece doesn't even care what the gifts are, to be honest. She just likes unwrapping the gifts and being the center of attention. It reminds me of how my brother and I grew up. Our parents always made a point to make birthdays extra special. To them, a birthday is a celebration of you and what you bring to this world. Now, I want to point out that I think you should celebrate yourself daily but your birthday is that day you celebrate the most. It's your own personal holiday.
It really saddens me when I ask someone what they are doing for their birthday and they reply, "Oh, nothing. It's just another day." To me, that's like saying you are just another person. That you're not special and worthy of celebration. We are all worthy of celebration. And I think we should never take our lives for granted and lose sight of who we are and what we bring to this world. If you can't regard yourself as special and worthy of celebrating, how can you expect others to? How can you expect others to see your greatness?
As I watched my niece blow out her candles, it made me so happy for the future when I will get to do the same with my own children. I will never forget the look on her face when she walked through the door and saw the decorations. This family tradition of celebrating birthdays is something I hope will be passed on for many generations to come. As we become adults, many of us get so caught up in the everyday stuff that we forget to celebrate ourselves and be thankful for the life we have.
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